Home Furnishings Business recently wrote a fantastic article on home delivery. We highly recommend reading it in it's entirety but if you only have a few minutes you should at least read the section below-
Posted by Whitney
Home Furnishings Business recently wrote a fantastic article on home delivery. We highly recommend reading it in it's entirety but if you only have a few minutes you should at least read the section below-
Topics: Logistics Best Practices, Customer Experience, It's Mrs. Jones' Day, Legislation, News and updates
Posted by Whitney
“Every battle is won before it is fought.” ― Sun Tzu
Topics: Performance, Customer Experience, It's Mrs. Jones' Day
Posted by Rob Davis
We had plans to exhibit at the Las Vegas Furniture Market this week, but we're stranded here in DC instead. So we've decided to make the most out of the situation and hold a contest for a free iPad Pro.
The Capital Weather Gang has a long standing history of creatively naming notable storms in the Washington, D.C. area. We have decided to hold our own contest to award anyone that can think of a name that most closely relates
Topics: It's Mrs. Jones' Day
Posted by Lucy
Topics: Performance, Customer Experience, It's Mrs. Jones' Day
Posted by Whitney
What are you customers saying about your last mile home delivery service? This leter from Mrs. Jones makes it clear why home delivery is so important and what difference a good experience can make. See for yourself...
Topics: It's Mrs. Jones' Day
It's pretty easy to see what's happening on your show room floor but knowing what type of delivery experience Mrs. Jones is having and how that might impact her opinion of you is far more difficult to controll. Here are a few of the comments that came in this week.
Topics: It's Mrs. Jones' Day
The perfect way to complete a big ticket sale is with white glove home delivery service. And, the best way to do it is to partner with a third party logistics company who acts as an "in house" delivery department. The delivery function of your business could very well make or break a relationship with your customer, so getting it right the first time and every single time after is essential.
Topics: Last Mile Delivery, It's Mrs. Jones' Day
At Diakon Logistics, it is our goal to treat every delivery of the day like it’s the only delivery that day. This past Monday in Charlotte, NC one of our delivery teams was just one stop away from a 100% score when suddenly their truck broke down. Roadside service determined the truck could go no further and would need to be towed.
Topics: Customer Experience, It's Mrs. Jones' Day
Holding your customer service practices to high standards is part of what makes you a professional. Excellent customer service means that your customers can look to your business as not just a place to buy furniture, but as a source for an experience that improves their lives and solves problems for them. Investing in third-party white glove home delivery can be an excellent way to solve problems for your customers and establish your business as a trusted resource and partner.
Topics: Performance, It's Mrs. Jones' Day
When you choose a Third Party Logistics provider, the hope and intention is that you’re forming a partnership that will last for years. Indeed, you likely spent months researching, interviewing and analyzing your candidates before making your decision. But what if your provider isn’t living up to expectations? When do you resolve to look for another company? Consider the following factors when making your decision.
Lack of growth. Your company is growing – but your 3PL provider isn’t growing with you. Maybe the company is resistant to change – or maybe they’re losing clients due to poor service. Either way, it’s a cause for serious concern.
Massive price hikes. While price fluctuation is inevitable, huge spikes in cost shouldn’t be. In addition to affecting your budget, major price increases on the part of your logistics provider suggest poor financial management.
Turnover. No company is free from employee turnover – it’s the nature of business. But if your 3PL provider’s executive team appears to be a revolving door, it’s a clear indication of internal turmoil – which affects the company’s overall focus.
Not learning from mistakes. No relationship is perfect, in life or in business. Part of fostering a successful partnership is through trial and error. But is your logistics provider making the same mistakes time and again? And are you dependent on workarounds to control the damage that these mistakes cause? Your productivity suffers as a result – and it demonstrates poor management on behalf of your provider.
No “disruptive innovation.” In our last post, we talked about the importance of disruptive innovation on the part of 3PL providers – that is, striving toward the discovery of new methods and innovations that disrupt the industry status quo in a positive way. Ask yourself if your 3PL provider is motivated to make these kinds of discoveries. If not, your bottom line is ultimately affected.
Topics: Last Mile Delivery, It's Mrs. Jones' Day, Technology